The official rules: Any other posts that were previously posted are overwritten by this post. This includes any fliers, posts on any other blogs, in emails or any other form, including the CuddleBeez Scraps blog. Any dates previously posted, any prizes previously posted are null and void. These are the only official rules for the 30 in 30 contest. The rules may be changed at any time by the creator, CuddleBeez Scraps, in the event that there is a question to the way the contest is being run. Any rule changes will not be made if they interrupt with the outcome of the contest.
I will be giving away a new mini kit each day for 30 days starting July 17th. The last one will be offered on August 15th. The freebies will be offered at CuddleBeez Scraps, my original blog. There will be a link to the contest blog from my CuddleBeez Scraps blog, and vice versa.
You may make layouts using only the kits offered, and the layouts will be posted on this blog. You can make as many as you would like, but only 1 layout from a person will be posted each day. The post will not contain any information on who made the layout. This is to keep the contest as fair as possible. I will keep a record of each layout and who they belong to on my computer. The records will include the layout and the email from which they were sent. Please remember that the email you choose to send your layout from will be the email I will be sending the Prize gift certificate to in case you are the winner.
When you have a layout that you would like to post, send it as an attachment to If it is not sent as an attachment, I cannot guarantee that it will show up in the email. If you do not see your layout within 2 days of sending it to me, please notify me. Sometimes email gets messed up. If for some reason the layout doesn't come through on my end, I will email you back and let you know.
I will start posting the layouts on this blog, not CuddleBeez Scraps, on July 18th at 8:00 PM eastern standard time.
People can come and look at the layouts and choose the one they like best for that day and vote on it. The voting process will be discussed further down the page. On August 21st, the top layouts from each poll, (or more, in the event of a tie) will be posted. There will be a seperate poll set up to vote on the these layouts. They will be open for vote until August 24th. The one with the highest vote will win the prize of $50 in gift certificates, which will be awarded on August 26th. In the event of a tie, I reserve the right to choose the winner.
* Please Note* The gift certicates the winner will be recieving are for the entire store at Boquet of Pixels, Simply Beautiful Scraps, Sugar Mama Scraps, Butterfly Blush Designs, and Mischief Scrapz. They are not for my kits only, but for anything available in the stores.
I haven't decided on which gift certificates to offer yet. I thought I would let those participating decide. There is a seperate poll for this, it will be posted on CuddleBeez Scraps. There will be three choices. The most popular one when the poll is over will be the one I will be giving away.
Create layouts using only the kits that are offered on from July 17th through August 15th.
The layouts MUST be 600 x 600 pixels. They can be saved at 72, 100, 200, or 300 dpi.
The layouts can only contain the items specified above, you may not use elements, papers, or layovers or anything else from any other kits. This includes items from CuddleBeez Scraps that is offered before July 17th, 2009. The only exception is wordart. You may add wordart from other sources, but the wordart may not contain any graphics.
You may use journaling, I encourage it!
The layouts (pages) should be done tastefully.
- No nudity
- No foul language
- No discrimination of any kind
If you use a photo off of the internet, please include where it came from, and who it came from when you send it to me. I will find a way to credit the photographer. The same for poetry, or quotes. You must include the author in the email so I can credit them.
The only exception is wordart. You may add wordart from other sources, but the wordart may not contain any graphics. If you do add wordart, please indicate who created it so they can be credited.
Each day you can vote on your favorite layout. This will be done with polls. Each poll will have a date on them. You match the poll to the date that the layout is posted, and choose the number that corresponds to the layout of your choice. The polls will run for four days each.
Pages posted on July 18th will be open for vote until July 22nd.
Pages posted on July 19th will be open for vote until July 23rd. And so on.
I will leave the polls up for 2 extra days after they have closed, so that you can check and see what the total count is for each page. After the two days, the poll will be removed. All polls will be recorded and kept in a file as they are removed, until the contest is over.
On August 21, the layout(s) recieving the most votes for each poll, will be entered into the final poll. The layout recieving the most votes after the final poll will win the contest. In the event of a tie, which I hope won't happen, I will choose the winner.
I am not sure how well this contest will be recieved, but I am hoping to have a few people participate. If by chance, it is alot more than a few, (fingers crossed and hoping) then I will be sure to run it as smoothly as possible. Since it is just me, I may run into a few snags along the way, so please be patient and considerate if something doesn't work out exactly as I had planned.
If some unforseen tragedy were to happen, this contest will be put on hold until a later date. That is highly unlikely, but I just want to cover myself if it does.
If you have any questions regarding the contest please contact me at
Below are some examples of layouts that I created with the kits. As you can see each layout has a number above it. This is the number that you would pick in the poll, if that is the layout that you like the best. The date will be at the beginning of the post. Each day will have it's own individual post, and show up on a seperate page.
I am definitely participating!! This sounds really fun and I am excited for the challenge! Thank you for creating this contest.